Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Working from home is not all sugarplum fairies.

Trust me. Working from home is not all sugarplum fairies. It requires the discipline of a consumate multi-tasker, listmaker and the sheer determination to be productive in the face of sheer chaos. It's a harried balance between keeping the house just slightly cleaner than a total disaster area, resisiting the urge to plaster the kids in front of the tv and still attempting to locate educational/nurturing activities for the kids to do while simultaneously negotiating real-time business deals and writing compelling grants for worthwhile non-profits. This is not for the weak-minded or easily-distracted.

Today, for instance, I was attempting to negotiate details with various hotels for an upcoming conference I'm coordinating, and had left the children unsupervised, when my daughter bursts into the room - sobbing. Between gulps and tears, she tells me she's "sorry and it was an accident."

Turns out she kickd a hole in the glass french doors of our master bedroom.

It's days like these that leave me bewildered. But soon after I'd cleaned up the mess, I was cuddling and snuggling with the kids again.

Days like this must be measured in positives. After all, today WAS a victory.
1. No one was hurt. She could have some serious cuts to her leg. My son (who was on the other side of the glass) had no injuries.
2. Instead of trying to hide what happened, she immediately confessed.
3. Hopefully, they learned a lesson.

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