Friday, January 7, 2011


I love overhearing the dialogue between my kids. It's always so interesting and insightful into the way their minds work and process information. Today's discussion was about like and love and went something like this: 

     AIDAN: Jesus loves us. 
     SOPHIA: And God does too.
     AIDAN: What about Santa?
     SOPHIA: He likes us.
     AIDAN: What about our animals?
     SOPHIA: I don’t know. I think they like us, too.
     AIDAN: What about our toys?
     SOPHIA: Mmm. They love us.

I hope that as they grow into adults, they know that I like AND love them. These aren't mutually exclusive feelings...especially after this rough week transitioning back into the routine of school.

I have to admit, I've done poorly at maintaining my New Year's resolution of going to bed at a decent time. Christmas break was comprised of late nights, sweet-tooth snacking and leisurely mornings. That abruptly ended THIS week, when I begrudgingly relented to the school schedule.

We've been late to preschool every day this week. And my productivity has been disappointing. However, the sliver of a silver lining is that the house has been cleaner. Kids are doing their part in picking up their toys and clutter. So, perhaps I'm making progress on the clutter front.

This week was a mixed bag: a few small progressive steps were made during my WAR ON TOYS & CLUTTER, but the underlying symptom of my chaos can only be attributed to me. Next week'll be better...hopefully.

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